

Žiadúce a nežiadúce interakcie roztavených fluoridov s materiálmi na báze kritických prvkov
Desirable and undesirable interactions between molten fluorides and materials of critical elements
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kubíková Blanka, PhD.
Annotation: The submitted project is focused on the study of desirable and undesirable interactions of molten fluoride systemswith materials based on the selected critical elements, the recycling rate of which is minimal in the EU. In thiscase, controlled physico-chemical processes are considered desirable interactions, in contrast to undesirableinteractions, primarily in connection with the corrosion of construction materials. The research will be focused onthe physicochemical and thermochemical analysis of molten fluorides, the study of solubility/corrosion resistanceof materials in molten salts, the synthesis of new substances, and spectral and diffraction analysis of puresubstances, molten mixtures, and solidified mixtures after experiments.
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027