Basic informations

Study fields and programes 

IIC SAS is an external educational institution for PhD study that can train in the following fields:

  • Chemistry → covers study programs: Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theoretical and Computer Chemistry,
  • Physics → covers study program: Chemical Physics,
  • Chemical Engineering and Technology → covers study programs: Inorganic Technology and Materials, Inorganic Technology and Non-Metallic Materials.


Terms for admission to doctoral study

  • diploma of higher education (MSc.) in relevant study field
  • pass an enter examination
  • approval of candidate and selected theme by supervisor and director of the institute

Each graduate may apply to doctoral study at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS after completing the higher education in one of the study fields mentioned above.

Generally, the applicant applies for one of the publicly assigned themes presented by a particular supervisor. The application form must be submitted to the doctoral study department of the cooperating university and the whole application procedure follows the rules of the university. Before submitting the application, it is strongly recommended to contact the employee, who is listed as a supervisor for the selected topic.

The applicant is interviewed (in non-public way) by the committee in charge comprised of the members of the Faculty of the cooperating university and of the appointed members of the IIC SAS (including a supervisor). The aim of the interview is to assess the general knowledge of the applicant relevant to the assigned theme of PhD study and his mastering of English language. The committee in charge creates a final list of successful applicants.

Degree obtained: PhD (Philosophiae Doctor) is provided either by the Slovak University of Technology or Comenius University in Bratislava after successful defence of PhD thesis.


IIC SAS offers

  • possibility to operate modern experimental equipments
  • participation in the international projects
  • opportunity to present the results obtained at the international level (e. g. conferences, workshops, study stays at the foreign universities and the cooperating research institutions abroad, etc.)
  • accommodation in the SAS residence at affordable price

Any questions concerning the PhD study at the IIC SAS should be addressed to the Secretary for Education – Ing. Blanka Kubíková, PhD., tel: +421 2 59410 421, e-mail: